Monday, 16 July 2012

Marc Chagall Inspired Skirt

Me modelling the finished skirt in the garden
 I am about to go away for about two weeks to a Wedding and then to Kirriemuir so whilst I am absent getting lots of pictures taken for the blog :P I will leave you to look at my skirt that I designed in my 2nd year at Uni.
Back of skirt
 We were given an artist, I was given Marc Chagall, and we had to choose a theme and create paintings and art work based on the styles of the artist. I chose florals.
The skirt took 6 weeks to print and sew up and the design process took 6 weeks to complete. I was happy with the result although something happened when the skirt got "finished" (which wasnt my fault!) and so one of the panels became lighter than the rest so I turned another panel the wrong way around so that it looked symetrical around the skirt going pale bright pale bright.
These are my favourite Chagall paintings that were my main inspiration:

You may have seen this painting in the film Notting Hill

Here are my skirt designs on paper. I photocopied my paintings and collaged them together onto the skirt templates (would be repeated 4 times to make the full skirt).
First design

One of my favourite designs - I liked the lavender flowers and the colours seemed very much like Chagall.

A variation in my first design

My lecturers favourite design

My final design roughly collaged with photoshop

My final skirt design!
Skirt design painted onto a blank screen with reactive dyes (I drew on the outlines with a permanent marker so I had a guide when painting. Then a separate screen was used for the black outlines)
Finished skirt hanging up - you can see the faded panel clearly here =[



  1. Lots of fabulous pictures! lol :p Love the pics with u in the skirt in the garden, looks fantastic! :D xox
