So I've sort of gone off of cross stitching and want to go into embroidery again (I go through different fazes usually I switch from cross stitch to embroidery, to quilting, to doll making etc. not strictly in that order but you get what I mean).
Once I had sorted through my fabrics and threads I had a few little squares of aida so I started experiementing with my coloured threads that I sorted and created these squares:
I then decided to glue them onto pre-made cards I think I might sell them but I say that about everything but end up just wanting to keep it!
I found this recipe and thought it was a delicious idea! Malteser Tiffin! But I don't know if its just me but I had to just use the recipe as a guideline and did my own thing as it didn't make sense. Here are my pictures as I made it:
Melting chocolate, butter and syrup =] |
Crushed digestive biscuits |
Maltesers at the ready! off course :P |
Crushed biscuits mixed with the chocolate mixture and maltesers! |
Melting chocolate getting ready for the topping! |
Chucked in maltesers! |
Finished thing.... its still setting! |
Yummmmm!! Post me some! :D xox