Sunday, 24 May 2015


Running low on inspiration on anything creative. I want to sew and write and draw and design but I just feel like I have no motivation to do any of it. I've just got back from a holiday to Malaga, Spain and there was a lot of lovely tiles with eye catching pattern and colour. I then looked in anthropology on the way back in Edinburgh and found that they had wonderful ceramics that linked in with this theme.
I thought I'd share my images on here and also for me to look back on too.
cups from anthropology

cups in anthropology with floor tiles

ceramics in anthropology

balloon visual merchandising in anthropology

gorgeous plates in anthropology

plates in anthropology

cups in anthropology
outdoor wall tiles

tourist information building in Malaga.

Cork stoppers

cork stoppers

cork stoppers

church at "the lakes" Malaga.

Restaurant stairs at "the lakes" Malaga.

Outside tiles of restaurant, "the lakes" Malaga.

Outdoor fountain, Benalmedina costa, Malaga.

outdoor fountain, Malaga.

laminated lace table cloth

Church mural, "the lakes" Malaga.


I'm hoping I'll at some point use this as inspiration to have scribbly ink drawings and turn them into pattern repeats.
