Saturday, 30 June 2012

Bracelets and Headband

 So yeah this wedding I'm going. I'm so excited! Here is the bracelets I will wear to it, I sewed on the flower (that I cut from a headband I got from New Look). I think when the wedding comes I will do a whole post on what I wore and made for it as right now I have everything scrambled on my different posts here and here.
 Here is another of the flower headbands that i cut and sewed onto this lovely diamond and pearl headband from Claire's Accessories.
 And here's them both together:
 My dog Meg - a 7 year old cocker spaniel - sleeping. She got her hair cut last week and she's so soft!
 I was bored so I did a quick little sample square and used shades of blue and green threads
I have created something for the bride and groom but I wont put it up until after I give it to them :P I'm pretty pleased with it.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Home is where the Heart is!

I've done some googling and I found some nice use of embroidery for decorating the home with:
Chain stitches to create the pretty vintage looking embroidery.

Cross stitches with use of spacing to make a different look to the old stitch.
I then created this embroidery :

Close up =]
I used chain stitches for the heart, split stitch for the lettering, back stitch for the house and the people, and running stitch for the pavement. The fabric I used was some canvas fabric that my Great Auntie gave me (she is an artist and was going to use it to paint on I think).
Here is my straps that I bought and mentioned in my previous post:

 And here is the straps I made, I will wear them to the wedding I'm going to this summer, to see some of the things I'll be wearing check out my post on it Here:
 Last night I didn't know what to do since I'd finished the bibs and the straps and so I tidied out all the threads I had and found a bead box to put them in:
 It looks so pretty don't you think? It also looks a bit OCD but hey I was bored!

Thursday, 28 June 2012

5/5 Farm Animal Bib

I've been busy so took a while to finish this bib. To find out where I got the pattern for the pig and cow click here to my previous post. Find my other baby bibs in my blog archive at the side. 

I finished all the black thread I owned but I knew I had more somewhere so I've been busy cleaning and tidying my room. I now have 2 big boxes of fabric and wool, but still I couldn't find my threads. And finally when I tidied my whole room I remembered that I have some sewing things in a big suit case and voilĂ ! I copied the sheep pattern from here:
I decided that a white sheep would be too much white on the bib so I made it a dark grey and then didn't think that the black would show up much so decided to have a white and black spotted head and legs. I also decided to leave the outline.I added in the cows hooves too.
Now to my next project - bra straps. I bought a pair from John Lewis by Milume and also bought a set of two pairs of strap repair kits.

I can now make two pairs of straps.
The prices are ridiculous on the website, I bought my ones for £9 in the sale in John Lewis. I only really bought it so i could see how they made them and also 'cos they were pretty =] To wear them you just attach them to a strapless bra and wear preferably with a vest top so you can see the straps:


Friday, 22 June 2012

5/5 Bib Uncompleted

 Today I went to Huntly for the day to meet my friend and her sister's crazy dog Pip! I didnt have much time to do my 5th Bib but I managed to almost finish the piggy in the middle :P
Close up of unfinished pig.
On either side of the little pig I will do a cow and a sheep. Here is the cow's pattern:
 and here is the pattern I used for the pig:
I will add two feet and a tail to the cow pattern. And for the sheep pattern I will have to make it up! I couldnt find a similar pattern online for it =[ Wont be finished this bib for a few more days! Got a busy weekend ahead!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

4/5 Ice Cream Bib

I went shopping today and went into the sales at Cath Kidston and John Lewis my two favourite shops =] Later on I made this bib (above). I started off with the heart and thought I'd do a I <3 something, and for ages I was thinking what to sew. I kept googling for simple patterns but found nothing. Then finally I found this pattern for Ice cream:
I thought it was so cute and so I used it in my bib. =]
Close up

Here's some photos of what I bought today:

Cath Kidston T-shirt in sale =]

Cath Kidston 100% Silk Scarf in sale <3

Hand bag from New Look

Shoes from New Look

Top from Oasis (John Lewis) - Sorry about the bad quality of photo!

Back of the top above.

Pale pink layered top - Oasis (John Lewis), the top layer has a flower laser cut design on it - just like my laser cut project at Uni!
Here is the head band from New Look (that I ended up buying 3 of!) for my dress for a wedding coming up:
Here is the bag I made last year and have now repaired for this year! I bought the handle from Etsy, and created the pattern and design myself. I used old necklaces, beads and buttons to embellish it, and also quilted it with some silver stitching. I was inspired by my visits to Accessorize and the wonderful bags they have there with all their beading!

Close up of bag
 Here is my shall I wore last year to a wedding and two years before at my 5th year Prom. I embroidered my name on in the corner and added beads:
These are the lovely earrings I wore last year to the wedding from Accessorize:
I love them!!!

And finally here are a few close ups of the flowers/headbands that I sewed onto my dress that I mentioned in the previous blog (I am going to another wedding this year and will wear a handmade dress I bought for a wedding last year, I have decided to embellish it and add in pinks and lilacs so it doesn't look too similar to last years outfit) :
3 Flowers on the wasitband

3 Flowers on waistband and 2 Flowers on Shoulder Strap

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

3/5 Fruit Bib

Today I did another bib! 2 bibs left in my pack of 5 to embroider onto! I have a cute book of cross stitch buttons and so I found the cherry pattern there. I got the orange pattern here and the banana pattern I sort of made up with the help of this photo here.
I'm quite happy with the result except for the banana its a bit small compared to the other two. Might change it later.

Right now I am embellishing a hand-made silver dress I bought from Etsy last year. I wore it to a wedding last year and paired it with a white shall that I embroidered with lilac thread - my name with beads, a bag I made and beaded. and some gorgeous peacock earrings. I will put pictures up tomorrow.

This year I'm keeping the dress but have sewn on three flowers from a head band I got from New Look round the waist and two at the strap, using the same bag I used last year (I had to fix some of the beads that had come off), a beautiful pink silk scarf from Monsoon, the same gold-ish gladiator sandals as last year, and pink tired earrings. Tomorrow I'm going to buy another of the headband from New look (since its on sale) and made it into a hair clip and a corsage.
I'm so excited! I love dressing up and looking like a princess! Speaking of which i went into the Disney Store in Aberdeen today and it was amazing I might take another trip there tomorrow =]

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

2/5 Soldier Bib

Two weeks ago I finally did my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award - Residential (for the award you have to do 4 nights and 5 days away from home volunteering). I went to Glen Markie Riding Centre with my friend and for the 5 days we learnt how to saddle a horse, brush and groom them, clean them out, tack them and lead them into the field. it was great :D I don't want my own horse though as they are so much work!
Me and Brandy

For the residential section you have to learn a new skill and meet people, i learnt so many things and met lots of the other volunteers that help at the stable and met all the riders that came in each day.
For the Gold award you need to also do 1 year of voluntary work - I haven't started that yet! 1 year or 1/2 a year doing a skill - i did creative embroidery. 1 year or 1/2 a year doing a physical activity - I did fitness activities where about every month i would change to do a different activity as I hate almost all sports so didn't want to stick to the same one!
Me and Gowrie

You also have to do that dreaded expedition that lasts 4 days and 3 nights and you have to have a reason for going e.g. you want to look at the environment for a rare bird. I did my silver and bronze award and they are 3 days and 2 days so they aren't as bad, but i hate walking with the huge rug sack so I haven't pushed myself to do the expedition yet!
Me and Brandy (again)

So in a year i will be finished my award which is great because a member of the royal family present it to you!
Me on Gillus and Abby on Smartie

Which brings me to The Queen's Jubilee! I didn't get to celebrate it because I was with the Horses :P but here was a cute T-shirt I bought with a pug wearing a Union Jack Flag Ribbon:
And here's me wearing the Cath Kidston Soldier Skirt whilst i was on a walk with Meg my cocker spaniel :D

I also finished my second bib a bit too late for the Jubilee. I'm not sure what i will do with the 2 bibs I've made.